MPC serves Moscow’s vulnerable people each week through our Food Bank. We operate four different food programs.
The Pensioners’ Food and Fellowship Program gives take-home food bags to 120 low-income elderly Russians every Wednesday. It is MPC’s oldest social ministry, providing food assistance and social companionship since 1991. To learn more about the Pensioners’ Program, please click here.
The Children’s Hunger Assistance Program (CHAP) provides food bags on a biweekly basis to 140 large families in poverty and single-parent households. Created in 2012, CHAP reaches out to children living in poverty across the Moscow region to bring relief and food subsidy.
The refugee food bag program collaborates with the Civic Assistance Committee to provide food bags to 25 registered refugees. This is an extension of the program MPC ran in partnership with the UN Refugee Agency to support 150 refugees with bimonthly food bags.
MPC provides food assistance to 30 Russian/African interracial families through a partnership with the METIS Foundation. METIS has been in Moscow for over 15 years, providing educational, training, food assistance and community to families with biracial children.
If you are interested in attending or volunteering, please contact Parish Center and Food Sharing Director Daniel Ekat at